
tonight ...  coz I don't have to get up too early for my swimming lesson tomorrow morning , I decided to " activate" the " free chat " on SKYPE .... 

to my surprise,  in 5 minutes .....   My gosh ....     more than 15 men tried to chat with me ... or even tried to " call " me ........... some of them were pretty direct too ... they would send me a request for chat , such as "  I wanna talk to a hot , sexy woman "  or " I wan to have a fun time with you ...  "     

all I wanted to say to them ..... was    " Go   Fx x x    yourself   "   , but ... of course , i didn't say that , instead , I just simply ignored them or rejected their calls or requests on exchanging for informations...   

what is wrong with those men ???    can't they get a real date ???  in their " real " world ???      

what do they expect to get by chatting with girls on line ...  in this virtual world ...  we could be anyone we want to be .. or we want others to believe ..... 

what is fun with this ??  

Am i getting too old for this ?? or I am just too old-fashioned , too conservative ....      

or  the profile photo I have on Skype is just really HOT .....  and I am just really sexy .... ???   ha ha ha     

   I am sure that I didn't put  " I am very horny , please chat with me now " in the profile ...       

 10 minutes later ... I turned Skype off ...  and decided that I will not try that  " free chat " again .......................  unless I am really bored ...     of course not .... 


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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