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         "There's too much beauty upon this earth for lonely men to bear." — Richard Le Gallienne 

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       好友 小猴  傳給我這各要測試我的成分   只又輸入名字    我用中英文名字作測試     以下是結果   偵想死  ............哈哈哈

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下個月 有一些朋友要出發去英國    又剛好看到這個消息  加上有兩個朋友就住在倫敦  希望大家都能平平安安的 :)  Just saw this news , and remembering that there are some friends are leaving for UK next month ...plus I have two friends live in London ...   hope everyone is and will be fine . 

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我們都愛拍照   但是有多愛拍照   腦中時時刻刻都有構圖出現 隨時都記得拍 ??  

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      " you can't fail 

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photography now is not only photography , taking photos and having them developed  ... but also need to know how to retouch photos to give them the best  results / effect .... 

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June 19  Tuesday , is also the 5th day of the 5th lunar month , which is one of the three most important holidays for Chinese – Dragon Boat Festival .

As its name suggests , Dragon boat festival is celebrated with races of boats decorated like dragons. To tell the truth, I have never been to any of the boat races , except watching ones on TV at home . This year I am thinking to go to one myself to take some photos …to see the teams row their boats to drum beats, racing to grab a flag at the end of the course , I think it would make some exciting photos … but it has been raining with thunders and lightnings and according to the weather forecast , it’s going to like this for another week….  L

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I am not super smart nor organised , and don't even have any logics nor ambitions ... I am just me ..  here is what I think after talking to a good freind of mine ... what I have realised in the past year ...   

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(感謝一位朋友的分享介紹  以下內容來自下方的連結 )

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當女人說下列用語時   我們真正的含意其實 是 ......

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Tanya :  just read this interesting article about " Happiness Economics " on " Newsweek" yesterday ...

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( resuorce : internet ) 

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Can I be any more complictaed  ?? ............   No wonder sometimes I , myself feel that I am a crazy person ... with all those strange ideas ...     ha ha ha 

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