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作者: shirly00****(失去信任的人)  
張貼時間:2007/08/30 14:01

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  Top Ten Ways to Support Someone in Being Their Best

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英研究:婚姻不幸福、人際關係差 心臟病率高三成

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who do you love the most  ?    the answer is yourself   .    

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超級好笑的星座分析  但是  又好像     XXXXXXg 準的  

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 我的星座分析      不能說完全準  不過 當作從另一個角度來檢視自己 也滿有意思的 

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朋友轉寄給我  我覺得與其叫誰扼殺你的快樂  我到覺得  最後寫的 是否我們有自我恢復的本領的這句話比較是我的重點
因為書大家都會看 都會買  學歷高的到處都是  這種自我勵志的書有一大堆 相信很多人也看了不少

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 I have been talking about " relationships " with some friends ...   of course , we are women , and we always like talking about our men in the " past " , " present " and " future " ....  
while my friends are happy to see me being so content and happily in love with the " right " man  , in fact , a few old friends of mine said that they had never seen me like this before ...       I also realised that this is the FIRST time in my life that I have experienced what is like to fall in love with someone , what does it feel like being loved by someone , first time that I have used my " heart " to love someone ,instead of my " head " .  

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the following is from one of the books I have read recently ....     

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