I am not super smart nor organised , and don't even have any logics nor ambitions ... I am just me .. here is what I think after talking to a good freind of mine ... what I have realised in the past year ...
前幾天 跟一位老朋友聊天 他心情不好 陷入低潮 我知道 但是 又不知該如何幫忙 似乎說什麼都不對 一種無力感
就像是看到你關心的人受傷 為他的傷口心疼 知道會痛 也希望能替他分擔疼痛 但是畢竟傷口不在自己身上 痛的程度還是只有當事人能感受 就算說在多好話 鼓勵的話 也只能等著由 " 時間 "去癒合傷口
除了 時間之外 我自己深深體會 "自己"的力量是重點 我曾經期待, 等待 "對方"給我我想要的 "快樂" 也因為我不斷的期待... 也才會有之後的 "不確定" "不滿" "失望" 之後 "爭執"..... 我現在很快樂 我忽然發現 跟他分手後的我 開始懂得自己尋找快樂 我也找到我一直想要的快樂
再跟朋友聊天的過程中 我忽然了解我的改變是從何而來 道理很簡單 ~ 我受傷了 與其自己做在那裡痛苦難過 等啥?? 等奇蹟?? 等別人拿葯給你 到不如自己去找任何能讓傷口愈合的葯還比較實際 - 我就是單純的"愛"自己 我只記得自己渡過了一周天天哭泣的日子 之後就決定要馬上尋找快樂 任何會讓自己快樂的一點的方式 於是 開始 旅行 花錢 學攝影 又是花錢 ......... 透過閱讀 旅行 交朋友 我慢慢領悟 慢慢學習 也希望我也正慢慢改進中...
我們無力決定 天氣 工作 家人 環境 , 這是事實 . 但是 我們也沒必要讓他們來影響左右我們的心情 態度吧
我不是絕頂聰明 我也超沒有邏輯 更別說有組織力 我也沒啥雄心壯志 沒計畫 (最遠的計畫是到下個月) 就算有計畫 也常常不會造計畫去做 計畫趕不上變化 所以 我乾脆就不作計畫 但是 我比任何人都愛自己 因為太愛自己 所以捨不得自己難過太久 希望自己快樂
因為我相信 只有當你照顧好自己時 才有資格 以及 能力 去照顧別人 將快樂帶給周遭的人
我找到下列文章 我擷取部分內容與你們分享 ~順便練英文 啦
The challenges of surviving on this wonderful Earth of ours can be numerous and often overwhelming
Peace is not something you find when your latest crisis is over.
In a stressful life, what usually follows stress is the next stress.
On the other hand, when you manage your life better, stress or peace is more likely to be followed by even more peace.
Creating peace and strong relationships does not begin by changing everyone and every circumstance surrounding you. Changing locations, jobs or spouses is typically not the answer.
While the grass always seems greener (more peaceful) in someone else's yard, occupation or relationship, once you get over there, over there becomes over here again.
As the adage says, "Wherever you go, there you are." Peace of mind and better associations start (and end) with you.
If you change, the atmosphere changes.
To recognize that it's you who must take responsibility for transforming your life should not be depressing.
Although it's easy to blame outside influences for your anxiety and stress, that philosophy is self-defeating because your core belief is that there's nothing you can do. You're handing power over to the things going on around you instead of what's going on inside of you, where the real power is!
The fact that you are responsible for your mind, your relationships, and your emotions is good news. The easiest thing in the world to change is you.
People can be tough to change, and family, jobs and situations may even be impossible to change.
But you can change right here, right now.
It all starts with changing or reprogramming some of your outlook on life
- Jun 16 Sat 2007 21:41
~ Take control over your own Happiness