I have been talking about " relationships " with some friends ... of course , we are women , and we always like talking about our men in the " past " , " present " and " future " ....
while my friends are happy to see me being so content and happily in love with the " right " man , in fact , a few old friends of mine said that they had never seen me like this before ... I also realised that this is the FIRST time in my life that I have experienced what is like to fall in love with someone , what does it feel like being loved by someone , first time that I have used my " heart " to love someone ,instead of my " head " .
So , how to know if you have found your Mr. Right ~ ( here is what I found on the net )
女生啊 總是免不了討論感情事 過去的 現任的 未來的 看似八卦 但是其實大家彼此鼓勵 交換一些不同想法
一些老朋友 說 現在的我很不一樣 跟現在的他與跟以前的他互動上差很多 說我現在是幸福的戀愛中女人 說從沒看過我如此平靜與滿足 我想 我在活了這麼久 第一次知道什麼叫做戀愛 真正體會什麼叫做被愛的感覺 第一次用"心"談感情 ....
如何知道 "他"是"對"的人 ... 以下12點 不妨參考看看 ( 不是我寫的喔 哈 )
12 Signs, He's The One
1. He understands.
He always tries to see your side of things. This means that even if he's seen you get upset or cry about something a hundred times before, he still tries to calm you down and makes you feel better.
這點其實是過去我深深體會到的 - 遇到過一次那樣的男人後 (就是總是可以很有同理心的去對待外人 但是對自己的女友卻是希望能講道理 雖明知你在難過 但是也不願安慰你 ) 現在真的會怕 ..... 所以如果你的男友總是會試著以妳的角度去看事情 就算他在看過你因為一些事生氣 大哭好幾百次 但是仍是願意試著去安慰你讓你心情好一點 ... ( 而不是趁機給你說道理.... 那樣我真的會更難過 )
2. He tells you.
Oh those three special words, the words some men have major trouble saying. Well, if he says them often, count yourself lucky. Hearing him say "I love you," and knowing he means every word, is proof that he's one of a kind.
很多男人不太願意說"我愛你"三個字 可能絕得不好意思或是文化不同也有關係 不過若是你的對象會不吝嗇的對你說"我愛你" 那是很幸運 尤其是當他是真心的說出他愛你 而不是敷衍的討好你 那這個男人很特別囉
3. He shows you.
We all know most men have trouble expressing their feelings with words. So, sometimes they use other forms of expression. Forms of expression include: taking you out for dinner when he thinks you need a break from cooking or understanding that you might need some time to yourself. While you may like to hear those sweet whispers of affection from him, it's a fact that actions speak louder than words.
不過tanya覺得大多的台灣男習慣已行動表現愛 他們會默默的照顧你 可能是努力賺錢提供你一個安定的生活 他們不說甜言蜜語 但是不表示他們不愛你 所以我絕得這樣也很好啊
畢竟男人大多在言語表現上會比較有困難點 所以他們用行動表達 比如說帶你去吃飯當他絕得你可能需要休息一下 遠離廚房油煙 ...... 若是你的對象 不只會說甜言蜜語 還會付諸行動 那這個男的又加分加多啦
4. He listens to you.
Is he's genuinely interested in what you're saying when you talk to him? Does he give you his undivided attention during your conversations, instead of having the television blaring in the background? It's an important sign, if he shows he's really concerned about your feelings, and especially what you have to say.
他有仔細認真聽你說話嗎 尤其是當你很認真的要跟他分享你的心事 他是否是邊看電視邊聽你說 還是能給予他的所有注意力當你需要時 ....
5. He's happy around you.
Smiles? Laughter? Excited to spend time with you and not his guy friends? Glad just to be with you? If he can't get enough of you, it's a sure sign that he's really attracted and in love.
他在你身邊時 快樂嗎 ? 他常常微笑 大笑 比起跟他的朋友比起來他更愛跟你在一起 真正享受與你一起的時間 如果這個男的似乎離不開你 那這也是一個他真正的被你吸引 愛上你的表現 (不過 我絕得 太過的話 感覺像是變態ㄟ 哈 )
6. He compliments you.
He notices when you change something about your appearance. He appreciates when you take the time to look great. When he looks you up and down admiringly with a little smile and tells you how beautiful you are, you know you matter.
喔 這點 又是我的一個傷心點 .... 人都需要被讚美 過度誇大不實的讚美當然不好 但是至少 你會希望你的男友 多少會注意到你外表上的 "大" 改變 會了解並欣賞你為了能讓自己在他面前更美麗而所花的時間做的裝扮 而不是批評 責罵或催趕 ( 我身受其害過 .
男人啊 請注意 這點很重要 ) 今天你的男人 若是能用充滿愛慕的神情看著你讓你絕得你是他眼中最美的女人 你會知道你在他心中很重要 這樣的男人 .... 我只能說 真的差很多喔
7. He takes care of you.
Is he your own personal guardian angel? Does he baby you when you're sick and nurse you back to health? If the answer is 'yes', then it's a pretty sure bet you've got a good thing going.
關心 照顧你 保護你 當然這點很重要 當你需要時 生病時.... 是否能相信他會好好照顧你 如果你的答案是肯定的 那恭喜你了
8. His friends and family like you.
You can gauge how a man feels about you from the way his circle of friends and family treat you. If you are held in high regard, and they have embraced you like one of their own, it's a fact he's been telling them how happy he is to have you in his life.
你可以從他身邊的朋友家人圈如何對待你來看出他對你的感覺看法 因為他們所得到的關於你的資訊 對你的印象都是來自於你的男友告訴他們的話 若是他們對待你有如一份子 那表示你的男友都告訴他們他跟你在一起很開心 .....
9. He appreciates you:
Telling you how proud he is of your achievements or praising you to his family and friends is a wonderful signal. It's a sign he is in deep appreciation of who you are to him.
他懂的欣賞你 他對你的成就,表現引以為傲 或是會在他的家人朋友面前稱讚你 也是一種他對你的認同與欣賞的表現
一個不把你的缺點當缺點的人 而是把它當成你的個性特質去欣賞的人 .......
10. He asks for your opinion.
He asks for your advice, considers it and may put it to good use. When important decisions are at stake concerning him, he doesn't just go ahead and decide on his own what he thinks is right.
總是會詢問你的意見 會想參考你的意見
11. He's interested in what you want too.
Let's say you're both watching television and you want to watch Desperate Housewives while he'd like to catch 24. You know how men are when it comes to the remote control! If he lets you watch your show of choice, not in a grudging manner, but because he wants you to be happy, you've got a winner. Give him extra points if he actually sits through it with you!
恭喜你 若是你的對象是當你們再看電視時 他會讓你轉台看你想看的節目 只是單純因為他想讓你開心 那你找到一個難得的好男人 (Tanya的爸爸就是這樣 ㄟ ) 特別是他還能陪你看完那個節目 那更是難得 ...
12. He makes you feel special.
Finally, is he the kind of guy who's always trying to keep the romance alive? Bringing you flowers or breakfast in bed are both really wonderful ways to know he cares. If he's always going out of his way to make you feel exceptional hold on tight, the man is a keeper
他讓你絕得自己是特別的 如果你的男人總是能夠保持生活中的浪漫情趣 送花給你啊 或是將早餐端到床上給你 等等 這些都是表現他關愛的方式 若是他總是特意費心思的來讓你開心
那 請你好好把握 這個男人覺得值得你珍惜 ....
Tanya :
after reading these .... it may be hard for you to believe ... but I do have a " perfect " man like that ....
he scored a full mark on all of the above .... seriously .... I can't believe this either ... but that's how he makes me feel ... and I adore him for who he is .... and how he makes me feel ....
perhaps there is really fate , a series of coincidence , things we have in commom ...... I can't think of any reason to say NO to this man ,even for someone like me who usually tends to be more rational when it comes to relationship .
YEs , I have met a man who is " right " for me .......
and I hope you meet someone right for you ,too .
說來你們可能不相信 我看完這篇後 我認真比較 發現 我的男友在以上12項通通滿分 真的
我也不太敢相信 從第一天遇到他開始 一連串的巧合 相同處 契合度 讓我不得不相信緣分
連一向很理性的我 也找不出任何理由 來拒絕他 ..... 一個適合我的好男人 :)
我希望你們身邊的 或是早日找到 適合你們的好男人