

 Tanya is blabbering again :    Got to go to bed early now ( from tomorrow ) 
 ...have been warned  if I do not go to bed early ...I will have to go to the hospital.......           it's getting a bit serious now ....   have gotten two new cases ...and going to be really busy with my work....   and at the same time I have to work on my computer for my photos and some other things ....  going to bed before 12

        It's hard to image the life here many years ago ( 1940s )    everything is so tiny ..... and narrow   

在1948 ~ 1949年間,因時勢因素設立四四兵工廠,廠裡的軍眷依官階等級,分別住在四四東、西、南村,而南村正是階級地位最低的技工的安身之所。


                     Heaven and  Earth             天與地    


Facing the NEW Future ............  面對新未來   


     There is a fine " road " between the new world and  the Old world ....     


      101 buliding is everywhere  .....  reminding me that I am still in this modern city ....  
   到處可看見101  提醒著我並非處在1948   


                     What is awaiting out there over this wall.....    ??   


               Some People around me are having problems with their relationships ....   should we let the old ones go and look for the new ones ??   
        Will we find someone better ??  Who is waiting for us on the other side of the wall....   ??    Can we really see the turth ???  and what is the truth ??? 



          I sometimes feel that I don't know where my future is .... but that's why life is full of surprises .....        



         No matter what happens in the future ... I am sure it will be something good ....  even when I am in a difficult situation , I  try to look fo what is good and build on it .....    and I am happier each day ....    不管未來發生什麼事 我相信會是好事  
           (    Look at this crazy woman carrying two cameras .....   )  



              .....................................   My butt looks big ......         

            We can live in both the  " PAST " and  the " FUTURE "    .........   


            Song_Ching Street  NO .50  ............    



    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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