
   MY GOODNESS !!!   HOW HOW HOW did my CPL get so fxxxxxx dirty ???        

...........   I tried .....    they are not good ... but they are the best I can do ....   


   FuShou Mountain Park 



      Tiny tiny Apples that I had never seen ...but they taste pretty good 







 creek.....    don't know the name of it ....coz they all look the same to me ....    一條溪 叫什麼名字不知道 因為他們都看起來一樣  

I am not a MAPLE LEAVES  or RIVER /Creek person.....   I am more like a SKY person....  I love looking up at the sky ...........  so beautiful .... and relaxing ... 
我不是一個對楓葉或溪流有感覺的人 我喜歡天空 我愛極了那種抬頭看天空 藍藍的天 好美 好放鬆的感覺


      Sage ................     did not know they are purple .....   now I do ....      


      Cleanfield farm  清境農場 


   SunRise ......................   


     Jo 幫我條過後 有差嗎  


   WuLing ...............   my favorite place ......     really really pretty 


   a well-known photographer - 自然顏色  and his son .....       
Tanya is very lucky to get to know so many great people ...... including a few very professional photographers ....and a lot of enthusiastic photography pals ...   
I have learnt a lot from them and they have been very helpful .....    
這是有名的攝影家 自然顏色 跟他的兒子 我這次很幸運認識一些專業攝影家們 還有一群熱心的攝影同好 我從他們那裡學了很多 他們也幫了我好多忙  

   Thanks " 自然大 " took this photo of me ..... but .... look at the size of my arms ... they look HUGE .......................         Though " AJ " told me that they looked fine .... only coz the jumper I was wearing ....    oh my GOD .... 自然大 拍下這張照片 天啊 我的手臂看起來超級粗 雖然阿佶安慰我說不會啦 是衣服的關係 還是很恐怖


  ahh..............  none of these photos I really like ..............    going to pick up some more photos tomorrow ...  going to Ealite bookstore to finish my pottery painting first in the early afternnon....  yeah................   I am painting a vase this time ....   :)   

 can't wait  


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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