很討厭被拍照的狗 A dog who hates cameras and being taken photos ....
我每次拿相機接進 就把頭轉開 左右夾攻 拿兩台拍他 他就轉後面 要不就低頭 用斜眼偷看 笑死我們了 天才Apple
finally she looked at my camera..... she was actually looking at the cake ... ha ha
終於 他看了我的相機 其實 他是在看那塊蛋糕
I got sore legs ( my calves especially ) from the hike in Elephant Mt .... and Apple was there with us too .... she was the superstar .... she could go up and down many times .... wonder if she also got sore legs like me .... I heard that dogs do get sore legs too ... ha ha
因為爬象山 害我兩條小腿 超級酸痛 Apple也在 他超級厲害 爬上爬下很多次 好奇狗會不會也肌肉酸痛 聽說會
我妹的哈士奇一回因為爬了兩天的山 回家後無法行走 連要喝水得用爬的 因為腿太痛 哈哈哈
- Nov 28 Tue 2006 15:50
~ 狗會不會" 鐵腿 "