引用網路上大家意見 結果如下    

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一個人的「情緒」和「心境」,會影響自己的未來!  A person's mood and status of mind can affect one's future !

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!! 全天下男人的真心告白

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April 23  ( reading that depressing but great book in the evening )

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APRIL. 22  ( almost midnight )  

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU .........................

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今天在帶完我家狗去拆線後 順便跟我妹去逛街買媽媽的生日禮物-一個皮包 結果我妹自己買了兩個 我也買了一個 -3000多 ( 還在打了對折後 )  不過真的都滿喜歡他們家的東西就是了    大失血日   
 結果那個店員還記得我 看到我說"你怎麼變瘦了,臉都小了 "  (事實上是瘦了4公斤左右 ) 我笑笑的說是呀 

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I find a man with a stubbly face is very hot  .... and looks sexy when he is shaving .......    weaken my knees ....   I just LOVE this man ......     George Clooney , the sexiest man in the world....    

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Did I pay for the girl lying next to me?
I had a love, but little luck.

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I try to imagine that one day my husband admits  that he has slept with another girl before we get married , after we have started dating ........  What would I do ? and How would I feel ..... the more important is How SHOULD I feel about it ??    sometimes when it comes to SEX , there seems to be no MORALS at all......   Men can sleep with girls whom they don't want to have any serious relationships with  .......  in their minds, SEX is SEX , LOVE is LOVE ...........     WHY WHY WHY ??    and why there are some men hope to have better sex after they have got LOVE ....  ??   

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