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感謝風大 的推薦 我跟朋友跑去 北埔冷泉的 冷水雅典       真的很舒服的地方    坐在那舒服的聊天聊了幾個小時  

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I like this song when I heard it again on ICRT ....   especially the part of the lyrics goes ~   Oh... exactly How I feel ....   

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After a speech at a fast food restaurant chain's national meeting an employee told me how she used to always get furious and lash out when somebody tried to give her criticism.  However, one time when someone started to criticize her, she took a deep breath and for the first time in her life, held her tongue and listened.  And, according to her, she really learned some constructive things that changed her life.

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(因為不想讓納位偏執狂更是紐曲及誤會我寫的內容 所以我會把自打錯一些 否則他匯用翻意網站來番成英文)  請大家忍耐 

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Yesterday evening  I was giving an English lesson at Chung Hwa Telecom ,  as my students were reading out loud  their New Year resolutins that I had asked them to write the week before ...      I noticed there is one thing in common about their resolutions ...  there are so many things that they hope to achieve this year ...  
昨天晚上再跟中華電信員工上課時   聽著每個人輪流念著自己的新年新希望我要求他們做的功課   我發現有個共同點  他們都希望自己今年可以做到很多事    

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 Sandy  shares an old song on her blog ,  which I heard it a long time ago , it's a chinese song - I think the singer's  English name is " Freya " 林凡    
the lyrics to this song says "  假裝自己不曾愛過 - pretending that you have never loved before "   .. I think what the lyrics is singing is more like  

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I have been thinking about this ....   there are so many things that we have always wanted to do ...but what stopped us ?    

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