感謝風大 的推薦 我跟朋友跑去 北埔冷泉的 冷水雅典 真的很舒服的地方 坐在那舒服的聊天聊了幾個小時
Thanks a friend for his great reccommandation .... " Spring Cafe " , in BeiPu . though we were kind of LOST , but luckily ... it didn't take us too long to find this littel cozy place and we spent a 3-4 hour relaxing time in there ...
路上 忽然看見濃煙
還真的滿大的 不知怎麼了 it looked pretty serious ... but don't know what happened ...
it will be so cool to have a garden like this ....
my favorite corner
it is located right by a creek .... 就直接可以看到清澈小溪
那天天氣超棒 陽光普照 坐在窗邊曬曬太陽 全身暖暖的
Hello , Sunshine ..... sitting by the window looking down the creek .... feeling the warmth on my face , my body .... the wonderful conversations with my friend .... a perfect day !
cool looking coffee cup 造型特別的咖啡杯
咖啡盤上的倒影 哈
- Jan 29 Mon 2007 22:38
~ The SPRING CAFE 冷水雅典