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One of my best friends' husband is in town with his co-worker on business ....  so we have been busy trying to make their trip as enjoyable as possible .... though there are some situaions .... but  so far , we have had a good time ....   一位好友的老公與同事來台灣出差 所以忙著使他們旅程盡可能的愉快 雖然中間有些小狀況 不過目前為止我們都玩的開心

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Now it's 2:31 in the morning .......   and I am going to get up at 7:00 ...

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 This week has been a really busy week for me .....    with my photography lessons in the morning , and swimming lessons in the afternoon .... 
I finished work at 9 last night ,and went out for a drink and dance ..............   by the time I got home from ZIGA ZAGA , it was 2 AM already ..... but I GOT up at 5 :00 this morning ,  ( only slept for 3 hours  ) and left my house by 5:40 for Jiu- Fen .....   unfortunately , it was rainy in the mountains .....  so we only visited a few places .....  then I went to work at school at 11:30 , and had my swimming lesson this afternoon at 1:30..........    have to work this evening too ... ... 

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Another Personality Test ...   I got this from a friend of mine ... just give it a try

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" What if the The Present  is very painful, like experiencing the loss of a loved one ? "   the young man asked the old man ...  

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Ever since I got myself into this new hobby  of mine - photography  ... I have become more aware of the things around me ... started to appreciate things that I wouldn't have noticed before ... such as , the color of the sky ... clouds in the sky  ... the trees along the sidewalks  ..... I have begun paying extra attention to what people have said ......    and plus after I have read the book - THE PRESENT ,  I decided to ask myslef some questions just like the old man in the story suggested the young man ... however , I haven't got the answers yet ....  perhaps I will share my thoughts with you when I have gotten my answers .... 
自從我開始投入我的新嗜好 -攝影  我開始會注意到在我週遭的事物   注意到一些以前不會注意到的事  像是天空的顏色  雲的形狀  路上的樹   我也開始專心聽周遭人說的話   加上我在讀了那本書 -禮物 後   我決定像書中老人建議那個年輕人做的 - 問自己一些問題    然而 到目前為止 我還是沒答案       或許等我想通了 我會在跟你們分享

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