
we rented this ATV (All-terrain vehicle ) , or Quad bike  ...for 5 days ...  really cool bike 

後來五天我們的交通工具  沙灘車   一天約25歐元左右   

today , our main destination is one of the popular beaches here in Mykonos _ "Paradise Beach " ... it's also said it's a "nude beach"  .... how exciting !!  

今天目的地是 "天堂海灘"     是這裡名的海灘ㄓㄧ   有多天堂呢  聽說是個裸體海灘   所以我ㄧ整個人就是很期待   哈哈 

不過   那天並沒有看到全裸的人潮  就是一些上空的女生倒是滿多的 ......  個各大大小小的胸部在我面前晃   

不過 我對胸部沒多大興趣    性感屁股才是我的最愛 ....哈 

however , we didn' t see any "nude" on that beach that day ... but there were a lot of "top less"  women around ... 

had never seen so many " boobs " hanging around in front of me before .....   all different sizes ... and shapes ... 

I am not that interested in boobs ... I love looking at sexy butts ...  :)

lunch... or snack ...    "Gyro " - Traditional Greek fast food ...    really tasty 

傳統希臘"速食"   有點像是沙威瑪 通常是豬肉或是雞肉 ...  當然也是很好吃    是個便宜方便的用餐選擇 


this guy is a weirdo ...  funny but strange ..   he kept repeating a few same words -  "hello America "  "hello Australia "  or when he saw me ... he yelled " Hello Japan " 

Japan ???  since when I look like Japanese ...???  

這個主持人 是個怪咖  好笑 但是很怪  他不斷的重複喊著同樣的字  哈囉 美國  只要他看到台下有誰引起他注意 他就亂猜他們的國籍  不過 五分鐘後 發現他的地理常識很有限 .....因為就是那幾各國家而已  然後ㄊㄧ看到我 就喊 哈囉 日本    ...............我是哪裏像日本人啊     還一直不斷的喊我  要我過去  我當然是裝傻沒里他 

oh ... he also kept repeating something " pussy ... "    he probably thought it was funny ....   他還不斷的重複一些短句裡面帶著"pussy"這個字 .....他大概是絕得很有趣吧

曬了一下午的太陽後  離開前 在這bar 坐著喝著雞尾酒 Mojito ...  看著台上的人跳舞 

after lying in the sun ...we were drinking Mojito while watching the people dancing on the stage ..

and checking on guys ....or girls ...    I am more interested in his body than his face ...

順便東看看西看看   哈    我對它的身材比較有興趣  臉蛋還好  

oh..  I just couldn't take my eyes off her sexy butt....   she really does have the BEST LOOKING butt - my own opinion ... 

喔 我實在很喜歡她的俏屁股  整各臀型就是美  又挺又翹   腰細 胸部也大   他真的身材超讚的 ...我喜歡曲線明顯的女人  

之後就有人拿著我的相機 開始亂亂拍 ....

on the way back to our hotel ...  we found another wind mill ...  :) 

回到飯店的陸上 發現另一個風車  停下來拍照 欣賞夕陽  :) 

隔天出發到另一個"裸體"海灘   .............哈

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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