
the third day was a rainy day - yes, it finally rained in Mykonos , it hadn't been raining since April .. so I supposed that was good news 

so we made it a "shopping day "  ...  started from our dessert 

第三天 下雨  再那之前從四月就沒下過雨的米克諾斯來說是個好消息    所以就乾脆利用這天來逛街    

吃完早餐後   買完隔天要去Delos島的船票後    忽然逛到這間  走進一看 .....

滿滿的當地希臘甜食 .........還有希臘蜂蜜等等  希臘咖啡 .........    all locak Greek sweet pastries ....   

點了三種不同的甜點 外加上兩杯希臘咖啡 ....  what a perfect start of our shopping day ... though it was pretty windy for me ... 

there are a lot  of B & B , rooms and studio for rent ....
 在這除了飯店選擇外  也有好多民宿 房間 或甚至是工作室出租 .......... 很多看起來還不錯喔 

這一棟有餐廳 有租車的 有網咖 有自助洗衣店 也有刺青店 .............

逛一下街後   有人說要剪頭髮  於是看到一家理髮廳  就進去了    

他跟理髮師說 旁邊修短一點  那個人就" 咻"一下電剪削過 一堆頭髮掉下來後 說"這樣嗎"    - 基本上 很短    哈

接著他就不斷的繼續剪.... 我在旁邊有點緊張  因為真的是越剪越短  我中間問他幾次  " 你確定還要在短嗎 "  "are you sure that you want it shorter ?" 

之後他離開時 跟我說  他絕得那各理髮師搞不好以為我每次問他說要在短嗎  他以為我叫他再剪短一點  所以他就一直剪下去 .........哇哈哈阿

完全就快變成美國大兵頭了  ....................   

before the haircut ...剪髮前

剪髮後  after .... 

with some hair gel and sun glasses , my HB looks absolutely hot ....    :) 

shopping........  trying on dresses and taking photos ....   for fun  , because some of them didn't fit well ... 

someone had a lot of fun seeing me changing ....  :)  

後來就是亂逛街  試穿衣服  拍照 不過大都是太大了  穿好玩的  有人在旁邊看我換裝看的很開心  

 had " Gyros "  for lunch ... 在一次吃Gyros 當中餐   

we continued shopping -  later we bought a relly nice jacket (water resistant ) from Nautica  ... some nice shirts ..pants ....  
and I finally bought something warm for me too ...  :)

and we also had our tea time ....   也吃了下午茶  哈 兩人就是不斷的吃 

we had a really nice dinner here at " Catrine "  , French restaurant ...   

our starter ....   really nice prawns ...    前菜  超級大明蝦   

one of the waiters in the restaurant - he reminded me of a French actror ... 


我們的主菜是特別的烤牛肉 (因為份量的關係 這道菜一定要兩人享用)   

HB ordered a very exclusive beef dish , like roast beef  (later will put the name on ) - it 's two people to share .. 

it was excellent ....  tender and full of flavor ...  無法形容的美味  

   不過也不便宜  這道菜要價 90 歐元   but it isn't that cheap either ....  90 Euros   

the dessert was really good too ...........   yummy  

later ... I think we went somewhere to have a drink ....   

we had a really good shopping and indulging day in Mykonos 

有個很愉快但是很糜爛的的購物日 .................

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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