
blue sky   藍天

indigo blue sea water   湛藍的海水

blue boats   藍色的小船

blue windows   藍色的窗戶

my sexy man walking into my life ... and turning our everyday life into a " blue " movie ..  ha ha   

我的性感男人走進我的生命 從此我們每天的生活就像是一部"藍色電影"中的情節   哇哈哈 

powder blue ...  粉藍色的招牌 

now... it's time for lunch ...  現在是午餐時間 ...

ㄟ's  not this we are eating , of course ...    these two "terrifying" looking creatures - Pelicans are owned by a restaurant (I guess, because they always seem to hang around in front of the restaurant and sometimes walking around "in" the restaurant ...  to be honest , I was pretty afraid of them..  )

ㄟ 當然我們不是要吃他們  這兩隻有著恐怖長相的動物 應該是叫做鵜鶘   他們應該是我們最後一天用餐的餐廳養的  整天都在餐廳前晃 睡覺 甚至有天我還看到他們在餐廳內走動  有點嚇人  我其實還滿怕的  

我們在上面那家餐廳的對面用中餐- 一家被很多旅遊書推薦的餐廳  坐的滿滿滿的人    we had lunch at a popular restaurant right across from the Pelican one ...

(裡面是起士 超好吃 .... 能吃好吃的食物   是幸福的  )    it was filled with cheese ...    super delicious ...  

I have to say that I really enjoy eating ... I feel like I were in paradise when I have something extreamely delicious ...  

it's blessing  to be able to enjoy good food , good wine with someone who appreciate everything with you ...  

one of the local desserts-   kataifi  , extreamely sweet ...  filled with honey and nuts .. 
這是希臘甜點之ㄧ   裡面是希臘蜂蜜跟一些核果以及香料 像是肉桂等等     
所有的希臘甜點都非常的甜   連希臘咖啡都可以是很甜   不過我們兩個都有一個觀念就是 旅遊到一個國家時 一定是天天甚至餐餐都試當地菜  所以每天都是希臘咖啡 希臘菜(中餐或晚餐) 希臘甜點 .....希臘酒   

there is another thing that me and HB have in common ... we both like to try new things , so when we travel to a new place , we always go for their local dishes .. dessert , drinks , wine ... 


在希臘  放眼望去 都是藍色 各種不同調的藍 

有淡藍 淺藍 天空藍 湛藍 .....    有多少不同的藍 ....請參考以下的圖 哈
it's amazing how many different shades of blue there are ...   I mean , when we talk about colors , there aren't just blue , yellow ...  there are sky blue , indigo blue ..light blue , powder blue ...  

v  d  e
Shades of blue


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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