世界之最-聖模里茲 Top of the World

位在恩加丁谷地(Engadine)、海拔1856公尺(5624英呎)的聖模里茲(St. Moritz),是舉世聞名的阿爾卑斯山渡假山城,它以群山環繞且坐擁美麗之湖泊、乾燥清新如香檳般的氣候以及每年有322天受到陽光眷顧的絕佳地理位置而深受世界各地旅人的喜愛。同時,當地擁有羅曼族遺跡、緊鄰義大利、居住人口多說德語,這種種使得聖模里茲深受此三種不同文化的影響,而展現出相當獨特的特色。
St. Moritz is considered the oldest winter resort in the world.

Popular pastimes include skiing and hiking, and nearby there is also the world famous Cresta Run toboggan course.
The year-round population is 5600, with some 3000 seasonal employees supporting hotels and rental units with a total of 13,000 beds.
St. Moritz has been the host city for the 1928 and 1948 Winter Olympics. It also hosted the 1934, 1974 and 2003 Alpine Skiing World Championships. It is one of three cities that have hosted the Winter Olympic Games twice, the others being Innsbruck, Austria and Lake Placid, New York in the United States.
as you can see ... it was snowing very heavily .... 下大雪中...... 在大雪中 做window shopping 一堆名牌商店
這是一個 有錢人的度假勝地
on the way to St Moritz ... 再去St Moritz 的路上
哈哈 吃到 這個 可愛的 igloo 冰淇淋
這位瑞士 太太 很愛 搶鏡頭