"What is uttered from the heart alone, Will win the hearts of others to your own " 

Today as I was thinking what I wanted to do for the day ... suddenly I remembered a friend of mine once said to me that how much she envies my life style....  I have time to do things I want to do ... 
and I think of what she says ... she is right .  

Now I go swimming at least once , twice a week .... and Spanish lessons on sundays ... Monday to Friday , I work a little ( 4-5 hours a day )  ... I have time to take photos and learn to use photoshop ..... I buy flowers and read books....  sometimes cook .... watch dvds ( actually a lot less than I used to ) .... talk with friends ... out for meals on the weekend ....  and I am going to take a month off in July ..... to do something that I wanted to do last year but I was talked into not to by my ex ... 

I really consider myself a lucky girl ....  I look around , I live a life that is a lot better than many other people .....   I should be grateful and appreciate what I have now ...

I want to go to a church .......  to take photos ,  I hope I am allowed to do that .....   :)
    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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