After talking to him on the phone ..... .. I think I am starting to get used to chatting with him like this .....
He had a party last night ... and a few people I have met once were there as well .... very nice people ... especially the old guy "Z" ... really weird but was fun talking with .... Glad to know that everyone is doing well..............
" Life is not a book ... it can be over in a second " ... totally agree with it .... life is too short ... we should try to live the life we have got right now ...
Your mind is really at peace when you are able to spend most of the time alone ...but not feeling restless or lost .... if you try to fill your time with parties or meeting friends ..... you are not really having a peaceful mind .... you are noly convincing yourself that you r fine .... to keep yourself busy can only help for a short while ...... it will come back and get you ........ 真正的心靈平靜 是當你能夠自己一個獨處在大部分時間 而不會感到失落或不安煩躁 如果你還試著用派對跟朋友相處來填滿你的時間 你不是真正的平靜 你只是在說服自己你很好 讓自己忙碌而不去想其他事只能幫助你一段時間 最後問題還是逃避不了
有人曾經這麼跟我說 Someone has told me this before ....
Waitng ................. What are you waiting for .... What am I waiting for ....... to wait patiently ....for what ??
I am wondering if too much time has passed ... if we have waited too long .... and if it's too late to make it work .
I have been thinking about the following I heard recently ........
" There could have been no two hearts so open ........... No tastes so similar ..... No feelings so in unison ............ "
- Dec 10 Sun 2006 01:39
~ Strange feelings