灰灰的天氣 不過我還是滿喜歡這條巷子 不知味什麼 The sky was grey a bit ....... for some reason , I find myself quite like this alley where my hair salon is located ...
my expensive hair salon .... with TVs .... computers ..... 很貴的髮型沙龍 但是配合兩年了 很喜歡
Just got back from more than 5 hours sitting in the salon having my hair done ..... the last time I had my hair done was in May ... I guess this is the good thing about keeping your hair long .... as you don't need to visit your hairdresser every two months .... but this time .... I am changing my style again... from super curly hair to very straight long hair ... (I did have to have quite a lot of bad ends trimmed ..so it's bit shorter ) ha ha ... kinda not used to looking at myself with long straight hair like this ...
今天花了超過五小時坐在弄頭髮 一邊玩相機一邊看電視邊聊天 上次去弄頭髮是五月份的事 從沒隔這麼久剪頭髮 留長髮的好處就是這樣 不用像以前那樣要每兩個月剪一次 不過這次 我又變了 每年固定換髮型一次 從超級捲髮 回到非常直的長直髮 雖然得剪掉滿多之前"曬"壞的髮尾 所以現在短一點
今天讓自己放假一天 就做自己的事 讓自己的心思遠離那些煩人的事或人一天 giving myself a day off from all the disturbing matters and people ...
Got home and turned my NB on to check my mails ...... Got a long long mail from him .... and a short note from Isabelle, my Korean friend ...
一回來開電腦收mail 一封他的長信 一封短訊從韓國朋友Isabelle
She is upset .... things haven't been going well as the way she expected .... she has gotten some rejections ......
I envy her for having a goal , a dream to pursue ....and I gave her encourangement to try again as she has told me so ..... for some reason , we have been talking to each other like the best friends , as if we have known each other for a long time .... it's just so easy to open up to her ... we share our good and bad days .... I give her advice and she offers me some suggestions ...
他不是很開心 他計畫的事並不如預期進行的順利 他遭到拒絕 我羨慕他有目標有夢想可以追求 很奇怪 我們雖沒認識很久 但是卻想是多年好友般彼此分享生活中的好壞大小事 我發現可以很坦誠的跟他說很多事情 我們互相給對方鼓勵建議
everytimes I feel awful when I learn someone I know hasn't been doing well..... like today , a friend called and said she had another arguement with her husband ... after hanging up the phone ... my heart felt heavy for the next 30 minutes ..... I wish I knew how to help them....
我真的事日子過的太閒 每次聽到有認識的人狀況不是很好時 我都會感到很難過 像今天 接到一個朋友電話說跟另一半吵架 掛上電話後 心竟然在接著的30分鐘覺得沉重 真希望我會知道如何幫助他們
Bye Bye my curly hair ...... which I really liked ..... 再見了我的捲髮 我真的很喜歡
燙直後 After had my hair straightened
Not yet finished .... 還沒好 太無聊 拍一張 was a bit bored so took one for fun .....
IS this Me ?? SO weird .... doesn't look like me ..... 看起來不像我 真的不習慣
- Dec 10 Sun 2006 20:01
~ rejection