最近一直聽到有人提起這各字 recently " having a 3-people sex " has been mentioned a couple of times ....
昨天又有個人跟我提起 問我對3P 是否能接受 當然不行 last night , I heard this word again ..... this time he asked me if I would do it ... of course NOT
我想起最近跟我提起3P故事的人 都是男生 I wonder ..... all these people who mentioned their experiences /stories of "3P" .....are MEN
3P 或是 多P 真的是一般男人的性幻想嗎 這真的有那麼好嗎 is having a 3p or group sex a sexual fantasy for MEN in general ??
IS that really good ???? in what way ?? 這真的有那麼好嗎 ?? 如何好法 ???
All I can think of is .............. AIDS ...... 我只能想到 愛滋病