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1. you are a "PIG"! ( = Chauvinistic Pig ) I can't believe that you think women's place is in the homes . 

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Tanya is a big fan of SNOOPY ..................     collecting these special pins from McDonald's .....  

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Just watched " Bridget Jones' s diary 2 " on HBO  ...I have seen it at least 3 times , but it still makes me laugh and cry ....    I love this movie . 

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Thinking to get a tattoo ( 刺青) , since I got my ears pierced while I was in Switzerland ... I should also do something different for my coming trip in July .... 
Besides that I would like to go to a church for a service ... and I would like to do something .....  

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"What is uttered from the heart alone, Will win the hearts of others to your own " 

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I haven't even left for my trip in July yet ,and here,  I have already made my travelling plan for this winter ... going to Bali with a friend in the winter ....  Busy busy Tanya ....  but so far ,  I have started doing things that I have always wanted ...  ever since my break up  ... Hooray!!  

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I used to sleepwalk a lot  when I was a teenager...  but I think I did it again last night ....       Oh , No !  
I also had a lot of weird dreams ..... I dreamt a lot of different people who I know or don't know .... including my ex , but can't remember any details of the dream I had ....  so I woke up feeling even more tired .....  now going swimming , perhaps I will be able to remember something about my dreams then I wil tell u more about  them ...... ha ha ...      

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根據諾貝爾獎得主Daniel Kahneman 的說法, 我們每天大約經歷兩萬個時刻 每個"時刻"只有短短幾秒鐘  而且烙印在腦海中的鮮少是中性的事件 ----幾乎必然是正面或負面的  有時候他人一次的互動 就可能永遠改變你或別人的人生
According to Nobel Prize-Winning scientist Daniel Kahneman, we experience approximately 20,000 individual moments in a waking day .Each " Moment" lasts a few seconds. And rarely does a neutral encounter stay in your mind -- the momorable moments are almost always positive or negative . In some cases, a single encounter can change your life forever . 

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" WE should spend a little less time looking good , but a little more time actually being good "

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