
Just watched " Bridget Jones' s diary 2 " on HBO  ...I have seen it at least 3 times , but it still makes me laugh and cry ....    I love this movie . 

Saw another movie on DVD - " Derailed " 玩火 ,  staring- Jennifer Aniston and Clive Owen ( both are my favorite actors ) .... 
the movie is about two married business executives (Owen and Aniston) having an affair are blackmailed by a violent criminal, the two must turn the tables on him to save their families  .
這部電影是說兩位已婚的高級主管因為外遇而遭勒索  引發一連串的事件 in the movie , Charles ( Owen )  is worn down by his home life where he and his wife struggle to cope with the demands their daughter's illness, and his job. 
( Tanya : sometimes it seems like a good reason for a man to have an affair .....  well, don't they know that there are many many women are living a life like this , under a lot of pressure ?
在這電影中 男主角因他的工作壓力 ,他與妻子因女兒的醫藥費等等的現實問題感覺疲乏不堪  

Tanya : (我有時想這常常是男人搞外遇的理由之一  難道他們不知道也有許多的女人每天也是處於這樣的生活壓力中嗎 )

When he meets Lucinda on the train to work in Chicago, there is an immediate spark between them. Soon they are doing lunch; dinner and drinks follow. This leads to an adulterous rendezvous in an hotel. But no sooner have they torn each others' clothes off than their room is invaded by a thief who beats Charles and rapes Lucinda.Because of the illicit nature of their relationship, Charles is reluctant to go to the Police and soon finds himself powerless to resist the every demand of the thief.
當他在火車上遇到女主角 兩人互相吸引 他們開始一起吃中餐 晚餐 喝酒 接著上賓館 (外遇基本程序)  
但是悲劇是 衣服都還沒脫光前 兩人就被搶 男的被打昏 女的被強暴 (Tanya couldn't stop laughing and feeling sorry for them when I saw this ...don't know why I laughed ... 我一看到這我就開始笑也替他們感到難過  我不了解為什麼我想笑 ) 因為涉及兩人的外遇關係 (雖然還沒完全開始) 所以他們沒報警 但是接著搶匪就開始勒索他 ( 看到這Tanya無法克制的咒罵那個白痴男主角 ) Tanya couldn't help to curse that stupid guy during the film  .....   

what I have learned from this movie is ... you should always lock the door of the hotel room ....  我從這部電影學到的是 要永遠記得鎖飯店房間門 

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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