
there are a lot of different personality tests on Facebook ... some are quite interesting and some are silly ..

such as , what kind of animal are you ? 

(my result for that one is ... dog ,  I am really a BITCH ...  ha ha  )

how many kids will you have ?? 

(I will have one boy and one girl .. which is perfect , my question is how I can make them in one go , make them twins ..  )

is this kind of typical "fortune telling" question??  ha ha 

or it can also help you to make a decision by doing some of the tests ... 

for example , what type of shoe defines you ... if you have problem finding the perfect shoes ...  wow ha ha 

or what ring style fits your personality ...  
(personally I do consider the result quite accurate .. )  

here is the result 

"You a quite the individual! Good for you! You value tradition, but welcome change. You are intelligent, witty, sensitive, and have a diverse set of friends. You are as comfortable discussing politics as you are baking cookies. You have strong morals and principals and are respected by others. You have a purpose and it will be realized."

or having trouble finding a boyfriend ?  try doing "who would be your celebrity boyfriend ?" test ...

 (  I was expecting the answer is "George Clooney " ...but I got "Colin Farrel "   , which is really cool too ... he is HOT ...  )

well...  it's fun to give them a try when you are free ... just for fun  

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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