
got a phone call from Taiwan before booking our flight tickets to xian from beijing ...  my grand father passed away after lying in the nursing home brain dead for nearly 4 years ... 

在訂從北京出發到西安的機票前一天 接到台灣的電話通知說外公過世了 

we all believe that this is a relife for him ... he finally got his rest in peace ...

處於腦死植物人狀態的ㄚ公已經在安養院躺了快四年 ... 身形從結實到骨瘦如材 到因為腎衰竭引發全身浮腫 我們都相信這對他是種解脫吧 

更改機票日期 提前一天回國趕上出殯日 

(早上五點起床 八點從西安出發 到上海轉機 到桃園 再搭接駁車到高鐵桃園站  做高鐵到台南 到關廟時 已經是下午5點 ..累死我啦)

changed the tickets and managed to get back in time for the funeral  ...  

會場上  沒有過多的悲傷  畢竟外公的狀況大家都心裡早有準備

八十多歲的高齡過世算是高齡 加上有四代同堂   因此會場上的彩球佈置都是大紅色的  

原來喪禮的禮俗這麼多以及複雜   第一次參加至親喪禮的我根本不清楚好多禁忌

there wasn't too much grief at the funeral coz most of us had known and prepared for the day ...  

because my grandpa died at the age of 80 something ..and a four- generation family 

 so according to Chinese custom , the funeral was decorated with red color mainly ... 

there were a lot of rituals and taboo at the funeral that I didn;t know - my first time attending a funeral .. 

這次幾乎全員到齊  48位  除了人在美國求學的表姐以及其老公未能出席  

大家聚在一起  送ㄚ公最後一程 


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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