just remembered that there were still a lot of photos in my N95
才想起我有很多照片在手機N95裡 整理一下
首先是 除夕那天下午去迪化街逛逛的照片
here are some photos me and HB took on the day we went to Di Hwa Street on New Year's eve
the temple of City God .. popular for its "Match maker"
還有很多的 電線 哈
HB found this facinating ...
it's interesting how we walk past thousands of buildings like this in Taiwan all the time but don't usually find it particularly different ...
a lot of unknown chinese herbs .. or animal "parts" ...
also bought and tried a lot of snacks that HB had never had before ...
還試了很多他從沒看過 吃過的東西 像是魷魚絲 菱角 柿餅.....
最後還順道去拜訪我的瑜珈老師- 她家在迪化街有開一家南北貨店
他媽媽哥哥熱情的招待我們魷魚絲 花生糖等等
第一天中國新年初體驗 ...成功
雖說兩人都忘了帶相機出門 ...幸好有我的無敵N95
- Feb 22 Sun 2009 00:13
~ Di Hwa Street on New Year's Eve (N95)