

had been talking about going to Wulai with Chris for a long time before we finally had the time to go there ... 

it was a good decidion to take a two days trip to relax and enjoy ourselves ...




unlike the usual route - you know , the hot spring and eating along the old street ... 

this time we decided to do something healthier after eating all day during Chinese New year holidays... 

we took a visit in Yun shieng park ,where I did not expect there was a lot of walking ...  ha ha  and the next day we took a long hike in "Nei Dung" 

我們先一路走去坐纜車到了雲仙樂園(第一次去雲仙 裡面居然比我想像中的大非常多 走的我很累 哈 正好消耗過年囤積的指防)

第二天還去內洞  還在綿綿細雨中一路走上最頂到林務局........再一路原路走下來 

快把我累死了 發現在台灣的健行比瑞士累 不知是不是天候的關係...哈哈

first we walked all the way to the cable car station and took the cable car to Yun Shieng park 

I can't believe that there is still this old fashioned "haunted house " ride here ...

不敢相信 雲仙還有這種屬於小時後的回憶的"鬼屋" 


we also tried this "hoola Swing"  ....  I was screaming while riding and flying up and down in it .... 

but my HB was really strong and we managed to did a lot of round over the top and won a lot of cheers from the crowd ..

我們還試了射箭 以及這個叫做健力士的東西  

基本上是完全手動 兩人站進去 要合力將這個盪上去 盪的越高越好 要盪到最高點甚至過頂從另一頭盪過去  

相信我  真的需要很多的力氣 

我第一次玩 並不知道是會盪到那麼高 我一直尖叫  感覺很像坐海盜船那樣 上去又下來 .....心臟快停了

結果 幸好我家先生力氣大 他居然可以帶著我們一次又一次的盪了好多圈  下面不知何時聚集了一堆人在那幫我們加油拍手

下來時 收費的先生說 挖 他的力氣真的很大ㄟ 

當然我們也沒有錯過老街美食  他試吃了山豬香腸


還有炒山菜 竹筒飯  炸溪蝦

of course we also tried all the yummy food stands in the old street - the grilled sausages , the sweet corn and local mountain vegetables ...

we spent the night in a hot spring hotel , where there were two big semi outdoor tubs ...  though it was more expensive than I expected - NT 5000 , because of the new year ... we still had a lof fun in Wulai 

當晚 終於找到一間有著兩個大浴缸的半露天池的房間 一間要價台幣五千元 因為是過年期間 有點貴 不過我們還是很享受我們兩人的悠閒烏來行



沒腳架的狀況下 勉強靠在欄杆上拍 

it was a bit raining but we still had a really "taugh walk " in nei dung forest ... we walked all the way to the top and back down ... 

I tried to take the photos without a tripod ... not too bad  .. ha ha 

there are more great photos in my HB's camera ... hope to show you some of them one day ... :) 

然後 下山時接到我舅媽的電話說要請大家去鼎王吃麻辣鍋 

因此立刻飆車下山 去吃麻辣鍋 哈哈

我家先生也愛吃麻辣鍋 也吃了幾個鴨血  他真的是很入境隨俗 

then just before we were about to leave Wulai, my aunt called and invited us to a spicy hot pot dinner , a really popular restaurant in the corner of Nan Jian E road and Kwan Fu N road ... 

so we went directly there for spicy hot pot ... which my HB loved a lot ..he even tried a fe pieces of spicy duck blood ... :)   I just love him ... 

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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