didn't take many photos here - Taroko Gorge ,   because of the cloudy weather in the later afternoon...     

still enjoyed the walks a lot .....   besides the Sahkadang  trail , we also did " Tunnel of  Nine Turns Trail "  (1.9 km )

     太魯閣國家公園    在這走了 砂卡擋歩道  以及  九曲洞步道      因為下午天氣變陰   在這裡並沒有拍很多照片    

隨便拍幾張  當作紀念    

I don't remember if I took these trails the last time I was in Hwa Lien  a few years ago ....   probably did when I was with the school trips ...   

would like to come here again in the summer ..  it should be a totally different scenes ...     


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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