finally ... we walked into the part of Milano that is the " fancy " part of the city I had been expecting
basically what we did in Milano was mostly WINDOW SHOPPING 我們主要在米蘭就是用眼睛逛街 手指順便按下相機快門
we were not allowed to take photos IN the shops ...so we (HE ) took MOST of the photos of the shops from the outside ...and their interesting designs of their doors ...
我們不被允許在店內拍照 所以他就拿著相機在外面拍 拍他們有設計造型的們把等等
this is a photo of me asking my HB ... " Honey , can I have a lot of cash for shopping ?? like this much ??? " ha ha ha
這是我說"親愛的 我可以要這麼多的錢去買東西嗎 " 哇哈哈哈
who is the photographer .... ?
they had no clues why they had to wait in line for TIFFANY's ... but they were still waiting ...
包括排隊的人在內都不懂為何要排隊進入Tiffany's ... 不過他們還是痴痴的等 錢太多想花掉吧 .........
a lot of designer labels there that I don't know.... 很多較不出名字的設計師牌子
還有 "花露露" 牌ㄟ 哈哈哈 and there is " Hwa Loo Loo " store ... ha ha
not interested in the cell phones ... but it's the reflection on the window that drew my attention ..
不是我對這個手機牌子有興趣 而是印在櫥窗上的反射吸引了我
名店 當然就有名車在路上到處跑啦 .... 班特利
這些車子照片都不是我拍下的 哈 我實在對車子沒啥興趣啊
這家店是歷經千辛萬苦 問了很多人找到的店 Balenciaga ....
因為弟弟的"前女友"要求幫他買 因為台灣專櫃要賣7-8萬吧 義大利買約6萬內 結果買當時就因為太重 還有價差跟當時台灣yahoo賣家的沒差多少 絕得沒必要買
後來弟弟電話中表示還是幫他買 結果 回台前 他們兩個分手了 !!!! 真是XXXX ...............
還幫媽媽以及舅媽買了 兩各LV包 兩各LV皮夾 ..........我媽的speedy water color 系列有便宜很多 台灣要5-6萬 他買只要四萬內
感謝我媽給我們機會當當有錢大爺一樣的走進店內 快速的挑貨 付錢刷卡 而不只是兩個只看不買的觀光客 哈哈