first night we camped by the lake - Lacdes Taileres (in La Brevine )
第一天晚上在這個很小的湖邊露營 非常的冷 ...
it was a freezing cold night to sleep on the camper bus ....
不過 一早醒來 聽到的是偶爾傳來的鳥叫聲 除此之外一片寧靜 只有眼前湛藍的湖水 綠地 清新的空氣 陪著你
but the view was really beautiful .... so quiet , so peaceful ....
傍晚的夕陽也很美 Gorgeous sunset too
第一天出發時的天氣很糟糕 下雨 ...又濕又冷 the first day we left Bern ... the weather was horrible , it was wet and cold
來到 Creux du-Van 因為太冷 所以決定吃起士火鍋 we came to Creux du-van for the " gorge " , but it was too wet and foggy to see anything clearly ...
so we just had CHEESE FONDUE here
we even had some ABSINTH (苦艾酒) 百分之七十的酒精 當然是要加點水才能喝 顏色是綠色的 加了水後 變成乳白色
味道- 我就是絕得像是在喝 "八角"酒 哈哈哈 會不會說像傳說中的有治療憂鬱症 或是讓人很high 因此又有人叫他 大麻酒
基本上 我覺得這些都太過把Absinth"神奇化"了 了不起 他就是個酒精濃度很高的酒 就是這樣...... 個人意見
第一天因為一直下雨 我們也一直不段的休息 吃東西 喝咖啡 because of the rain , so we kept stooping for break and food ... :)
a nice little cafe
enjoy our coffee ....and of course , there is always something sweet with the coffee ... yummy
喝咖啡 當然也不忘來各甜點
這裡的最大乳製品公司是Emmi ... 幾乎所有看到的咖啡用的奶球都是他們的 我第一次看到他們的包裝時 下一跳 這是啥口味啊
"昆蟲"口味 ...........
聽說很多退休老人們 或是真的有特殊收集癖好者 會收集奶油球 所以他們常常換不同"封蓋"
但是 你放個hello kitty 也好 放各昆蟲照 .................. 真的讓我起雞皮疙瘩 每壹次看到他們
離開湖邊 到附近的小鎮買早餐吃 順便晃晃
after leaving the lake , the second day , the weather was clear up again and sunny , so we had some breakfast at a nearby town
look at their pastries .............. I just love pastries ....
- Oct 10 Fri 2008 19:24
~ 4 Days ROAD trip in Jura (La Brevine)