
基本上 自從到瑞士後 我每周末都是滿滿的  

不只是去玩 還有拜訪朋友    這週天氣很爛  受邀到他一位好友家吃飯  - 我很喜歡這個朋友   

他有個很大的房子  有非常豪華的音響配備  還有一堆樂器 電吉他 鼓 基本上就是一個樂團  連錄製CD的機器都有  

還有好多他旅遊世界收集的東西  ................... 

I have been really busy every weekend ever since I got here ....    having fun going places and also visiting freinds or family memebers ...

this weekend we were invited to one of his friends' - I like him very much - very relaxing guy ...   he has a big house with extremely luxurious stereo system ..
and a WHOLE BAND - drums , guitars.... you name it , you have it here in his house ...   it's a studio for recording albums ...

he is a great cook too 

good food ...good wine ...good companys and very interesting conversations .....  

this was a great evening ......  despite the fact that we were 1 hour late .... this is not very Swiss ... ha ha ...but it's not my fault ... not this time... ha ha 

很棒的食物  西班牙海鮮飯  超好吃的  

很棒的酒  還有巧克力  甜點  咖啡 

還認識一對新朋友 邀請我們下次去他們家  

輕鬆愉快的星期天晚上  雖然我們遲到了一各小時  哈哈 這是很嚴重的在瑞士   不過幸好 他們都很不向瑞士人   不過遲到不是我的問題喔 先說明 哈


目前這位男主人 單身中   

有意者請與我聯絡  哈

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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