Saturday afternoon , We drove to YinGo .... luckily , the weather was not too bad .... not too hot and it didn't rain too much :)
I hadn't been there in a while , this small town has certainly changed .... more modern looking ....
今天下午去鶯歌 幸運的 天氣不錯 不熱也沒下什麼雨 好久沒去了 鶯歌變摩登了
感謝天候不佳 感謝倒扁挺扁活動 所以難得星期六 鶯歌非常的安靜 Thanks for the rainy weather , Thanks for the Depose-Chen and Pro-chen campaigns it was awfully quiet in YinGo on Saturday ... :)
I think this is a new building ...... I don't remember that I had seen it before ....
The Best restaurant in YinGO ..... really cool .... everything ... the interior design ...and the food is surprisingly good....
我想這是鶯歌最棒的餐廳吧 內部裝潢及食物都是水準之上
My Lamb shank and Squid ink noodles ...... it was really good .... 我的羊膝墨魚麵 好好吃喔
側面再一張特寫 哈哈哈 really good .......
Deep-fried vegetables .... with fruit dipping sauce and a really grand looking plate .....
炸蔬菜 配水果沾醬 放在一個豪華的盤子上
You can see how much effort the owner of this restaurant has pu in ..... even the centerpiece on each table is full of surprises .... a real flower ...
你可以感受到這家餐廳的老闆有多用心 連餐桌上的擺飾都充滿驚喜 桌子正中間有一朵真的花
The Information : 資訊
富貴陶園餐廳 Fortune And Wealth Pottery Place Art Restaurant
鶯歌鎮重慶街96-98號 96-98,Chuang Ching St, Yingko Town , Taipei
The say - Fu Quei ( Fortune and wealth ) had been born , just like a baby learning for ten months in mother's womb; she had silently learned all quintessence from her mother. She is as humble as a piece of the background painting - a painting with a wall, a pool of water , a table with a bowl of tea and a thread of fragrance- made by tens of artists to become an elaborated masterpiece, fading out the individual brilliant rays and demonstrating the peerless beauty conceived in Fu Quei . The day - she pops her head out and rolls her eyes on and on , looking forward to the sunshine that sprinkle down on the China Berry just as a brand on top of wall .
Silent waiting
An unexpected surprise
The distance among men , art and nature is getting closer in this place
Art is just like a tiny seed that dropped cautiously into this square of earth
The window-view is like a painting with the sunshine wandering in the Nature .
- Sep 17 Sun 2006 00:54
Peace and Quiet in YinGo 平和寧靜鶯歌行