Arnisee , Uri
登山行的最後一天 來到 Arnisee
懶惰的我們 決定搭纜車
the last day of the hiking trip , we went to ARNISEE in Uri
we decided to take the cable car up to the top instead of walking ..... but there were many people waiting in line .....
結果 居然很多人在排隊 只好跟著一起等
等的時候 很無聊 因此 開始跟後面的一對同志情侶聊天 其實我的重點是他們的狗
一隻有血統證明的特別顏色的黃金獵犬 耳朵內側還有刺青號碼證明血統來源
這天天氣好 好多人在湖邊烤肉 戲水 野餐
還有驢子在旁邊晃 and there were 2 donkeys wondering around .... it was kind of funny ...
the dof jumped into the lake too
the big boys jumped too ....
before going down 回家前 又吃了甜點 we had some coffee and desert again .... yummy
and apple cider ... 蘋果酒 超好喝 目前只要出去都會喝上一瓶 ........
the only thing is that ... we walked down later that day , because there were again people waiting in line for the cable car ....
however , the trip hiking down almost killed me ... my knees hurt so much while walking down ..... :(
然而 回程時 我們是用走下山的 花了我一小時吧 因為我走的很慢 因為膝蓋非常痛 但是又不想在繼續排隊等作纜車下山 於是就只好努力用走的
回家後 絕得全身骨頭快散了 .............
the egg mushrooms ....
thanks to Peter - our mushroom guy , he and HB collected a lot of these orange mushrooms during our hinking trip ....
這種橘色的叫作"蛋磨菇" 其中一位醫生朋友很董這些蘑菇之類的 他甚至還待了專們採集磨菇的袋子 他跟HB一路上採了一些蘑菇
最後 他全部給我們拿回家 哈哈哈 because his girlfriend doesn't like mushrooms that much , so he gave all the mushrooms to us ....
yeah !!!
came home and caught the last evening shushine in the balcony .....
回家後 還趕得及享受楊台上的溫暖陽光 那時大約晚上九點天黑 現在大約八點多 太陽下山時間越來越早了
回家後 開始煮新鮮的磨菇義大麵 HB started cooking really really delicious pasta with all those fresh mushrooms ...............
it was a perfect evening .... with the perfect food and a really gorgeous man :)
we had a great hiking trip with HB's freinds ...and I am looking forward to going hiking agian ....