oh ...yes .. there were a lot of hot girls or men like this one .....
or like the one in the middle ....
some crazy guy
another crazy weirdo .... ha ha
the weather was fantastic ...and the entire street was packed with drunk or excited people ....
那天天氣超級好的 整條街都是人 都是喝醉 喝多 或是過度興奮的人
sometimes ... I think 80% of Swiss people are alcoholics ... ha ha they drink anytime everywhere ....
有時候 我絕得 80%的瑞士人是酒鬼 到處都有賣酒 他們可以隨時隨地喝酒 ..............
have seen a lot of people here have tatoos on their bodies ....
and quite a lot of them have CHINESE charcters .... some are pretty interesting .....
" Father , I Love you " - her father died and she especially got this on her back to express her feeling to her dad ... that was sweet :)
despite all the chaos .... we still managed to find our friends - Johnny and Michele
在混亂中 還是找到了 台灣老公 Taiwanese Husband ( can you tell he is from TAIWAN .... look at his T-shirt with " TAIWAN " on it )
還有他的瑞士新娘 his Swiss Wife ...
地上滿滿的垃圾與碎玻璃瓶 身旁擠滿了人
往上看 藍藍的 寬廣的天空
連蘇黎世湖 都很熱鬧
even the lake was packed .....
people were jumping into the cooling water .....
someone also jumped in the lake later ..............
不久後 也有人跳下湖裡去 .........