
Okay .... finally got a little time to continue updating some photos today ...   

蘇黎世 一年一度的 street parade ....     

人很多  車很多  垃圾滿地    a lot of people , a lot od cars ... and a lot of trash ....  

還有很多比基尼辣妹  身材健美的男生   還有全身赤裸的  (我不敢拍)   

and there were also a lot of HOT SEXY girls with bikinis ...or even NAKED ...    (but I was too shy to take photos of sorry , my friends ha ha)


have been busy enjoying my life here , so haven't been able to update too many photos ....   I am still trying ... 

starting from the train station , you could see people dressed up for the parade .... 

and you saw more people who were full of " party spirit " ...     

she or he ???  

there were 20 something or 30 something trucks in the parade ....   

遊行總共有20幾還是30幾部卡車   都各別妝飾的不一樣的主題    

there were even " security guards " with the trucks ...  

whole family ...............    

you think she is hot ???!!  

here is the HOTTIE for you ~ 

my HB .....    

more photos for Zurich Street Parade ....   to be continued  

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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