

中元普渡     鬼月   ...........   拜拜      

Ghost Month ....        this afternoon , the neighbors in the same apartment building were worshiping together  

so around 3 this afternoon , 
we all went downstairs with a table and lots of food, snacks and drinks as offerings for God and the wandering souls are out each 7th lunar month . 

每年 中元普渡   我們這棟樓的鄰居都會相約一起拜拜 今年也不例外    看看路上  其他棟大樓似乎大家都是一起拜拜    大概就是 看起來比較  "熱鬧" 吧   

usually ,  my mom does all this worshipping ....    but this year , she was busy and asked me to do it for her .... 

and ..... I burnt my hair while I was burning the paper money ..............        my hair ...............................    I am so stupid ...     

通常 這種事是我媽自己弄   今年他有事   要我幫他    結果 我根本搞不清楚狀況    亂拜一通就算了     

我還 ...............在燒金紙時   燒到自己的頭髮 ...............我是笨蛋..........................................    還燒到滿多的   難怪我有聞到焦味 ..........


the neighbors instructed me to stick these two flags on some of the offerings .... and must write my dad's name down on the flag as well .... 

這兩面旗 不知是有蛇麼作用  反正還得把名字寫上去  不過 當然不是我的名字     是誰規定那麼多的東西   我發現大家燒的金紙也不一樣 


拜完了 某個神    接著又拜 好兄弟  ...................  燒了一堆金紙  ......................... 雖然我完全不知道我是在拜什麼  


只求  今年大家無災無難  平安過下半年 ..............    


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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