Saturday afternoon..... walking along NanJing E road and turn right on FU-Hsing , then shopped along Chung Shiao E road ...... for 12 hours ...
星期六到達的隔天 中午出門去阿信的旅行社付了船票費用 之後沿著南京東路一路走 過了小巨蛋 來到 鍋爸涮涮鍋
他們是個拿了一盤肉 但是全部都沒吃完都道掉 他們吃最多的大概就是甜點跟水果吧
還做在對面的我 很沒食慾 ...................... 幸好 中午的費用不算是很貴 ................. 哈哈
Look at all those food choices .....
after shabu shabu , we walked back on Nan Jing E road again .... and turn left on FuHsing ,
then Rabe decied to have a haircut ... so I booked a stylist at the salon that I usually go to ,
之後沿著復興走 路上 Rabe (媽媽)說想剪頭髮 因此就約了我的設計師 (不過她又不在-人在上海出外景去 ) 所以約了一個最便宜的設計師 Scott , 價錢1200 元
this is a " before " photo ... 剪髮前
等待設計師中 .... waiting for the stylist to come ...
then Taylor and I left Rabe there and went for a FOOT MASSAGE nearby ....
之後我跟Taylor (女兒) 留下媽媽 兩人一起去附近做腳底按摩
Taylor didn't think it hurt that much .................. however , this Thursday night , three of us had another foot massage at Shi-Lin Night market ... it hurt a LOT ....
Taylor 並不覺得說腳底按摩會痛 結果星期四去士林夜市 去了"飛來發二館"做腳底按摩 我 - 是一定挖挖叫 連他們兩個都受不了說很痛 哈哈哈
挖 新髮型 ... wow .... NEW HAIRCUT
trying to find her wallet ..... 努力找皮夾中
still can't not find it ...... so they had almost everything out of their backpack ..... ha
還是找不道 乾脆將東西都到出來在桌上找
那天 一路逛街 逛了12小時
道了Mango買了不少 也去NET (後來他們真的滿喜歡這家) 買了一堆
媽媽因為絕得女兒的雙腿很修長 因此都是買一堆超短的裙子跟短褲給她穿 買到女兒說她不要買 媽媽是很執著的拼命買
- Apr 19 Sat 2008 15:25
~ Rabe and Taylor in Taipei -Day 2