I did not burst into tears as I expected when I saw my mom walked into the house ...
I thought I would .... perhaps it's because of my new distraction is working .... I was too concerned about how my mom would react when she knew we bought a new puppy home ...
well, she didn't take it well................... again , as we expected .
could some moisture in her eyes when she mentioned that Nyo Nyo just left .... she was angry that I got another puppy , the death of Nyo Nyo sure came into as a shock for everyone .... she doesn't want to go through this again ... she said that she does not want to keep any new dog...
my parents knew that I would want to keep another one ...only they didn't expect that I would be so FAST ... ( I also knew that they would say NO , that's why I decided to get one as soon as possible )
they disbelieved that I brought in a new puppy so soon after Nyo Nyo died .... my dad said how I could forget about my "past love " so fast and welcome the new one ...
the first 20 minutes since they walked into the room ... all I heard was only a series of complaints ... and blames ....
I really wanted to cry .... I wanted to say that I didn't forget about Nyo Nyo , I have been extremely upset , depressed .... I have been crying so much that I can't wear my contact lenses ....
I wanted to tell my parents how heart broken I have been for the past few days .......... but I didn't . I was sitting there listening to them scolding ....
at dinner , I told my parents about what happened on the day Nyo Nyo died , ( of course , I cried again ) my mom said that she couldn't talk to me on the phone that day as she was crying too ... so she handed the phone to my dad , but then my dad confessed that he also couldn't talk to me for long as he was feeling really sentimental ... he thought about Nyo Nyo a few times that night .... I think Nyo Nyo was in everyone;s mind that night .
my brother cried ... my sister cried ... my parents cried ... but none of them cried the way I did ... OUT loud ... my sister said that she could never do that .. to cry so loud without holding back ...
after I told my parents about how sad I still am ... and how strange I felt when I came home only to see the empty room .... I really need to have another dog ... and cheerful company at home ... they seem to accept the new puppy better , in fact , later on , my dad wanted to take the new puppy to Shi Lo with him next week and leave " Du Du " to me .... of course , I said " NO "
luckily , the new member is quite cute , though she is still young , only 43 day old , but pretty active ... so now the only question is ... what to name her ..
everyone has a different idea .... but mainly are all about " food " .... ha ha ... we will have a family ballot next Monday to decide what her name will be ...
at least , I , myself , really appreciate this new member for her bringing some hope and happiness into my family ... she has given me some comfort , and has been keeping me busy by looking after her , and to keep my mind out of Nyo Nyo for a while ...
still I cried today ... any time when Nyo Nyo was mentioned ... or when I thought about her ...
she will never be forgotten ..
- Jan 27 Sun 2008 01:05
~ Family member