what my 6th grade students is studying now ... he has to memorize it .. sometimes it's difficult to explain something to them in English , especially when they have no clue what they mean even if I translated them into Chinese ...
以下是我一個小六學生正在讀的一本書 也跟以往的文章一樣要求要背起來 不過 我發現 要去讓他理解一個連翻譯成中文他們都不見得懂的內容 實在是各挑戰
To everyone around her, Anne appears to be a rather timid , plain-looking woman with little ambition.
However, the image she has of herself is quite different : that of a popular , talented singer.
The dream she had recently of becoming a famous singer is a good example of a wish-fulfilling dream ;
it is trying to satisfy her need to be successful and admired .
In real life, Anne is a bored secretary working in a small-town bank. She dislikes her job because it offers very little opportunity for self-expression .
She knows she could be getting much more out of life and feels frustrated .
It is not unusual for people in Anne's situation to have dreams in which they appear to be successful and famous .
Dreams of this kind can be inspirational and actually help people accomplish their goals , if they act on their dreams in a positive way .
Some dreams are very clear and easy to understand , like Anne's . Frequently, however, dreams don't seem to make sense .
That is because dreams are a product of the subconscious mind. Unlike the conscious mind, which tries to deal with your problems in a logical way,
the subconscious tries to resolve them in dreams , which happen by themselves and cannot be controlled .
The images in your dreams may present themselves in such a strange way that you have difficulty understanding their meaning .
The people you dream about often seem to do impossible things or jump quickly from scene to scene .
However, it is important to realize that dreams are not disorganized nonsense . They show your deepest concerns , even if you don't recognize them immediately . Perhaps you have a problem which you have chosen consciously not to think about .
The problem is still there and may present itself to you in a dream .
Your subconscious is sending you a message that may even offer a possible solution to your problem .
Many experts in human behavior believe that the self has two parts, the Persona and the Shadow .
The Persona is the character or image you project outwardly , your everyday self.
The Shadow is the other side of your personality, the secret part you feel least able to express .
In Anne's case , her Shadow is the talented, outgoing side of her that appears in her dreams .
If you are bored, like Anne , you may dream of becoming a famous singer or a brilliant lawyer .
This kind of dream is making up for what you feel is lacking in your real life .
Dreams are fascinating because they reveal your hidden feelings and desires and help you to see yourself as you really are .
- Nov 26 Mon 2007 23:33
~ Dreams