
after leaving Zermatt , on the way back to Bern - we took a ride on the train ...  through a very long tunnel ,and it is really dark in there as well...
  從策馬特離開後   我們連車帶人一起上火車   過一個很長很暗的隧道 


(火車長這樣 從車內拍 )


因為 那天是八月一日  國慶日  於是 一陸上都看到 比平常多的國旗       because of their National day on Aug.1 , see quite a lot of flags hanging outside ,around the houses ... 


這就是  上面說的 吊椅式纜車       there seems to be many different kinds of cable rides in Switzerland ...   quite interesting .... 


a lovely day ....     天氣很棒   也因為是假日    似乎遊客也很多 ...................................... 


大家 攜家帶眷的 一起出遊       what a happy family 


yes ...    a beautiful blue lake is right in front of us ...      and a restaurant where we had a light meal there  

美麗的藍湖 就在前方  還順便在前面的餐廳用餐    :) 


坐在餐廳 望著美麗的湖 一邊用餐  真是在舒服也不過的事了  sitting up there enjoying the beautiful view while dining is the most fabulous thing  :) 


along the trail to the lake ... there are some art pieces ... pretty cool  

順著歩道  路旁 樹叢間 都有一些  木雕藝術品    滿特別的  


這裡的水  很清澈 就像其他瑞士的湖一樣  不過  這裡的水溫 很低   因為水源是從阿爾卑斯山上的殘雪留下來的    所以  很 冰 

really cool ...cold water 


still people jumping into the water to swim ....      然而 還是有很多人  跳進去游泳  


連狗也是   even a dog jumped in 



and my honey jumped into the lake to swim too .............    連我家的男人也跳下去   


..............................................................  leaving me all alone on the boat ....  把我留下來在船上 



我只好  練習划船    我發現  划船真是個練強壯臂力的好運動     i have to learn to row a boat .....


the blue lake in the high mountains - Oeschinensee      


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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