
(  剛剛發現這篇在今年一月放的 一個個性測驗結果   我很驚訝  因為我完全沒印象有做這個測驗   我真是  老人痴呆    不過  這個測驗  滿準的   有人說過我的直覺準  鼓勵我也常以直覺去做事   我是不知道做的決定 對不對  但是至少都是我想要的      雖說  我曾被某人批評過我很"情緒化"     我曾經因為這樣自己絕得似乎這是情緒化 這是很遭的缺點   不過 事後 發現  我其實不是情緒化    只能說 我的"感覺"比較強  我很重"感覺"     所以  說難聽點  可以把他看成缺點  說我是情緒化    也可以把他當成是我的個性特質  說我是 "很隨性"   我們需要的  不是去努力改變自己的特質去迎合別人   而是要找到一個懂得欣賞我們特質的人       )

(I found this one I posted in January this year...   quite surprised to see this ...because I don't remember about this test at all ...  ha ha     However , just very recently , I was told and encouraged  to trust my instinct  for it is helping me avoid some bad people  and situations ...    I often make decisions according to my feelings .. I don't know whether those decisions are right or wrong , it's hard to judge , but at least , those are decisions I want to make ...      I was very often blamed and accused of being " irrational " and " moody " ....   by someone , which I suffered from it for a long time ..thinking it was a really bad personality trait  ...  until my friends told me that I was never like that to them that I realised that I have never been " moody " ...   I just care about " feelings " between two people ..     I happen to " feel " more ...  but never for NO reasons ...    it could be seen as my flaw , or one of my special qualities that makes me a specail person     all I need is to find someone who really appreciates this ..   and can be spontaneous with me ...

不過關於對感情的建議  他說的有道理   也不能太用直覺  也要有理性的判斷   幸好  我還是很實際的 .........   )  ㄟ 不過  這個測驗 是誰給我的   在哪做  我全忘了   別問我啊    哈哈哈哈 

from January ,2007  ~

it took me more than 30 minutes to complete a test that a friend gave me on line ,    and here is the result .....     I think , it's kind of like me ... instinct ... feelings ... yes ,, I usually let my feelings tell me what to do ......

Intellect refers to   those occasions when rational, conscious decision determines our behaviour. The intellect takes over when we make decisions with a clear head, so to speak.

Feeling is the behavioural pattern that - to use the same analogy - comes from the heart. It can be irrational and illogical.

Instinct refers to   our intuitive manner of reacting to the world. That is not to say that this character type is prone to making unwise decisions; but it does suggest a more pragmatic and impulsive pattern of behaviour.

This result suggests that

  your most attractive quality is your enjoyment of life and your willingness to act spontaneously. 

Your profile shows that your behavioural pattern is determined by a combination of feeling (40%) and instinct (48%). 

This suggests that you are able to identify your sensual needs and trust your instinct from time to time

This is a great foundation for a successful relationship. 

But your profile also shows that you might find it difficult to subordinate your thirst for sensual experience and enjoyment to common sense and rational consideration (12%). 

To be successful in a relationship, you might need to come to terms with the need for careful assessment of a partner before committing

This might go against your instincts, 
but approaching the matter in a more sober, objective way will establish a firmer foundation for the future. 

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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