my sponsored daughter " ooth "from Laos People's Democratic Republic 我在寮國的"女兒" 忽然發現這封夾在一堆東西中的信
我這個"媽" 還真是懶 還沒寫過信給他......................
the staff at World Vision helped to translate the letter into English and Chinese .... 世展會的人員還幫忙翻譯成英文 以及中文
不記得 一個月是繳多少錢 不到一千吧 但是能幫助到世界上的某個人 還滿開心的
I don't remember how much I pay each month to sponsor her ... ... less than NT 1000 , I think ..... but knowing that you can actually help someone with that money a wondeful feeling