

though it has been raining for a week ,and it will continue to rain for another 3,4 days .....   
  depressing , yes ...   however ,  no matter whether we are in a good or bad mood ... the weather still  remains the same since we can't change the weather ...  at least , we can change our attitude , our mood ..and not be affected by the lousy weather ...

雖說 一直下雨  而且還會繼續下    下雨天總是 讓人絕得 憂鬱  絕得煩  懶的出門    因為總總的不方便    

這星期六  因為下雨 心中想著  還是別出門好了 ....接著 又馬上提醒自己 ....   不管我們心情是好是壞  天氣還是一樣的 既然沒能力改變天氣   至少 可以調整我們的心態  心情  不用被天氣狀況影響我的情緒   下雨一樣可以玩的很開心 

於是 開心的在上完6小時的課後  出門搭捷運去淡水  ....   還買了我最愛的
難得的跟因為攝影而結交的朋友們渡過一個"非"外拍的假日   我常想 攝影這個嗜好為我的生活帶來很多美好的改變  因為攝影 我認識這些朋友 

after 6 hours of hard working ... I went to Dan-shui with " windflow " by MRT to meet up with Iris , Michael , Jo and Alex ...  these are my photography friends ...  photography has certainly brought a lot of good changes in my life ...  

在"大腳印" (一家生意非常好的餐廳 賣著客家菜 泰國菜 川菜的 餐廳 )吃晚飯 喝啤酒 
之後去Jo家 玩 Wii ....    今天 果然右手 跟右肩膀 很像被毒打過一樣  

had a great dinner , had some beer ...  then went to Jo's for " Wii " , and now my right arm and shoulder are really sore ...

邊喝酒 邊玩Wii....   很開心   ....  結果 Tanya我的左眼從早上就一直覺得不舒服  於是在將隱形眼鏡拿下後 發現居然日拋鏡片缺了 一角   眼睛又一直有異物感  最後因為實在眼睛變的很紅 
於是 麻煩了Alex跟Jo 開車在晚上11點多帶我去淡水馬偕 掛急診 ......   玩Wii 玩到去急診 ...........

my left eye had been feeling uncomfortable since that early morning , I decided to take the contact lenses off as soon as I got to Jo's house.  
I realised to my horror that the left lens was broken ... and one small chip was missing ... and my eye was getting really red and sore .. so at 11 something , Alex and Jo drove me to the Emergency Room in the nearby hospital ...    

不過 因為淡水馬偕沒有眼科 急診  必須坐 救護車 去台北馬偕 ......  救護車.....     這會不會很好笑 

但是 因為沒看見 我也不確定 是不是鏡片碎片有在眼睛內 還是只是角膜發炎  於是決定 在觀察看看 

because there wasn't a eye specialist there in that hospital , so the hospital suggested taking the " ambulance " to the hospital downtown Taipei .....    well....    since no one could see any broken lens in my eye ..I decided to take my chance ...and just wait and see how I feel the next day ..  

所以 又繼續回去party ....  看了兩集的"被大家大力推薦到覺得若是沒看過好像會很遜的" 卡通  - 花田少年 

接著 又去復興南路 吃宵夜 ...........    回到家 半夜 兩點 

back to the party , watched two episodes of the so-called " must -watch " Japanese Cartoon on Dvd , we all went back downtown for late night snack ....    

by the time I got home , it was 2 something in the morning .....  

   一群年過30的人  ............................    還真是   high 啊  

PS :  今天 眼睛似乎好一點   不過 我 還是等星期一去看醫生好了  

感謝  Jo ,  Alex 的款待  還有 他家狗兒子 狗女兒的熱情 "招呼"   


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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