
那天 走路回家的路上 忽然 發現 這一路上 經過很多家 情趣用品店 還有一些A片光碟的商店 (奇怪 這部是違法嗎 )
I couldn't help to notice that there are quite a few " sex shops " on the way home from one of the branch schools I work at .
so I took a photo of it with my cell phone
就又開始 拿手機的像機功能來玩
忽然絕得 我家附近 什麼都有 養老院也不少 學校也多 廟也不少 網咖 ...... 就是 好餐廳沒有
there are a lot of nursing homes , schools , temples ... internet cafes .... in my neighboourhood , but there isn't any decent restaurant ....