
一個朋友問我這個問題 我覺得很好玩    跟你們分享    I have got this from a friend of mine ... I think it's interesting ...  

看看這三個硬幣 請告訴我"二"種你對這三個硬幣的想法        第一印象是什麼 他們之間有什麼關聯       比如說Tanya很白痴的一看到就說 " 這就是硬幣啊"   這種也算一種答案
所以沒有標準答案   只要是直覺的想法    否則就不會準喔

Please look at these three coins and tell me the first " TWO " thoughts  about these 3 coins you have on your mind ...   what are the two connections between these 3 coins ?   there is no right or wrong answer ... anything is good ...  for example , my first impression about these 3 coins was "  they are coins "    ......  and this is an answer too... so there is no right answer ...    just tell me what is your first impression  , thoughts about them ...          

will tell you what this is about next week ...  : )  


PS : 

 Nancy , sandy , Sylvia , Joan , Iris , Roy , Lillian , Jacky , Tracy , Cindy , Sarah , Phoebe ................................. have to answer this ... ha ha 

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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