this afternoon I didn't do too much but staying at home with my bikini top on with a pair of old jeans ... it was another lovely day with the sun shinning through the windows , so I put the CD on , and lay on the long chair by the window drinking coffee while reading a book that I bought yesterday - a chinese book , really good ... tlaks about the art , the beauty and the taste in our daily life ... 今天下午沒做什麼是 就在家穿的很少在家作日光浴 今天天氣不錯 躺在我家窗戶旁貴妃椅上往外看是一小片藍天 看不到外面雜亂的建築物 吵雜的交通 陽光透進來 一邊播放著音樂 喝著咖啡 看著昨天買的 一本新書 中文書 關於生活美學的書 很喜歡 多虧民宿老闆的推薦
it's a place in my house that I recently discovered that acually gives me a great view - the view of the sky ...
很開心今天發現了新的家中角落可以讓我享受不一樣的景- 我最愛的藍天
How SLOW do you normally walk ?? a student who is only 13 recently told me something she read from a book ... she told me that when people are angry or annoyed , they walk FASTER . On the other hand , people who have a peaceful mind , actually walk slowly ... now I think of it .. it makes sense ...
你走路有多"慢"? 一個才13歲的學生告訴我他從一本書上讀到 當人在情緒不佳 生氣 煩躁時 走路速度會很快 所以一般走路快的人 脾氣講話會比較急
反過來說 一般走路較慢的人 心情比較平和 較不容易生氣 我現在認真想想 好像很有道理耶
whenever my mind is troubled by something , I walk fast , just want to get things done ... now I am better than before , so much better ... I am now walking a lot slower .... I think what changed me is my new hobby - photography , I have to learn to walk slowly and stop to enjoy , appreciate everything around me .... to capture the" beauty " with my camera .
我每次心情煩躁時 我走路會較快 就只想趕快把事情搞定 會很煩 沒耐心 我現在比以前好多了 我走路走的較慢 我想大多是我的攝影嗜好改變我 因為我必須要學著慢慢走慢慢看並要停下來 欣賞找出身邊美的事物 才能用鏡頭捕捉下來
sometimes I walk too slow , and I can feel others' impatience ... but I decide to take my own pace ... just like because someone yells at you , so you also get annoyed and yell back .... don't let others' reactions affect you much , by doing so , I find myself a lot calmer
有時我甚至走的太慢 我可以感覺其他人的不耐煩 但是我還是提醒自己照自己的歩調走 不要被影響 就像不要因為別人對你大聲 你就也被弄到發火 也吼回去 我發現當我試著提醒自己這樣做時 我平靜許多
there is an interesting Chinese character - " busy " 忙 , which is the combination of other two characters - " heart " 忄 and " death " 亡 , so when you are too busy .. your heart is dead , you no longer feel anything ... give yourself a break , a chance to relaxed , a space to think ...
這本我正在看的書中提到一個重要的中文字值得我們去反省 - "忙" , 忙是由 " 忄" 跟 " 亡 " 組合成的 所以如果太忙 , 心靈一定會死亡 給自己一個窗口 給自己一個悠閒的可能 有一個空間可以眺望
next time when you are walking , pay attention to how SLOW you are walking .... try to walk a bit slower .. give yourself , your heart a day off , relaxed , do not do anything ... just enjoy being with yourself .............
下次當你在走路時 注意一下你走路是快歩走還是慢慢走 試著走慢一點 給自己放假的機會 放鬆一下 不需做其他事 就享受什麼事也不做好好陪自己
we can choose to live our lives fast or slow ... if we march our lives through without stopping to really take a look what is around us , we will never know what we have missed
我們的一生從生到死 其實可以走的非常快 也可以走的很慢 如果匆匆忙忙 好像從沒好好看過自己走過的路兩邊到底有什麼風景 其實是非常遺憾的
have you noticed that the winding roads, trails in mountains , or National parks , how come we don't make them straight roads, trails which allow us to get a fast access to the other end ? because they want people to be able to not to rush , but take a slower pace , and enjoy what is in front of you ... it's your life , the slower you walk , the more you get
為什麼如果我們去國家公園 或是古代的園林裡 所有的路都是彎彎曲曲的 因為他告訴你說 你到了這個空間不要匆忙 讓自己的歩調放慢 可以繞走更大的圈子 因為這是你的生命 你越慢 得到的越多