Merry XMAS to whoever is reading this now .. at the moment , I am not in Taipei but in somewhere beautiful and relaxing celebrating this XMAS with someone I love, people who love me . . that's what Xmas all about , isn't it ?
祝每一位正在看這篇的人耶誕快樂 這今天耶誕夜前夕 我人不在台北 而正在一個美麗且放鬆的地方慶祝我的耶誕節 耶誕節就是一個跟家人跟你所愛的人團聚的日子
A lot of you know about " Santa Clause " , but Most don't realise that Santa actually started out with a different name - Nicholas .
你們都聽過耶誕老人 但是大部分的人可能不知道聖誕老公公事已別的名字起家的 - 尼古拉斯
There are many stories about St. nicholas. He lived in Turkey around 300 A.D, and is best remembered for helping people in need .
有很多關於nicholas的故事 他在西元三百年左右住再土耳其 主要因幫助有需要的人而留存在大家記憶裡
In one famous story , he helped three girls get married by paying their dowries . Nicholas tossed bags of gold down the girls' chimney. The gold landed in their stockings drying beside the fireplace .
在一個著名的故事中 他幫三個女孩負擔嫁妝 使他們得以順利出嫁 Nicholas把一袋袋的金子丟進女孩們家中的煙囪 這些金子掉入他們掛在壁爐旁烘乾的長襪中
St.Nicholas's popularity spread as he became known for giving gifts to poor children . In Holland , children called him " Sinterklaas " . Dutch immigrants brought the stories of St. Nicholas to America , and there he became " Santa Claus ."
隨著Nicholas因贈送禮物給貧苦孩子而逐漸出名 他也在越來越多的地方受到歡迎 荷蘭的孩子稱他為" Sinterklaas" (荷蘭文) 後來 荷蘭移民把聖尼古拉斯的故事帶到美國 他的名字變成" 聖誕老公公"
Santa's image has evolved through the years. But St.Nicholas' example of generosity remains unchanged . He showed an unselfish concern for others . He gave generously but never expected anything in return . He gave in secret , not wanting any recognition .
多年來 聖誕老公公的形象一直在改變 但是聖尼可拉斯慷慨解囊的榜樣維持不變 他對別人展現了無私的關懷 並慷慨地付出 從不期待有任何回報 他默默地給予 不期待任何表揚
During this season of giving , perhaps we , too , can follow St. Nicholas' example .
在這個" 給予 " 的季節 或許我們也可以效法聖尼古拉斯的榜樣
but I think that people now are taking XMAS in a different way .... people give presents and also expect to get ones back ... it has become a holday that " WE GET PRESENTS " and more and more people spend XMAS with friends by having party rather than spending time with their families there are more and more broken families ... parents are divoreced ... which is a shame ...
- Dec 24 Sun 2006 10:07
~ XMAS , the season of GIVING 給予