I am learning not to let other people's emotional words affect me too much , and keep reminding myself not to assume what others are thinking ....
however , today ... I still felt a bit hurt by this statemwnt - " it's taking me humongous time " ... and other things I have heard .. first the idea of why he said so was to provoke me came to my mind , but I quickly told myslef to focus on what was important then ... and he didn't mean what he meant ... people may say anything they like , but I can't let them affect me ... so I didn't say anything ....
a friend was angry and telling us " I know it ..he said this on purpose ... he did this to provoke me ...... "..... so she was full of anger as she left ... I told myself .. do not assume , do not assume the intention of other's before we ask them ourselves .... because it will only bring us the hate and anger but not the peace ....
I choose to change and it's not my concern if other people want to , or should they change ....
I had a great day today ..... will show you some photos tomorrow ...
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 21:30
~ Do not let other people affect your mood