問我是如何對攝影有興趣 很好玩 我在今年出去瑞士拜訪朋友前對攝影一點興趣也沒有 我甚至討厭被拍也不想拍照
所以當我去瑞士三週時 一樣沒帶相機 所以我的朋友就借了我他那台三年左右的數位像機以便我獨自四處走走用 一路上就隨手亂拍一通 看到很有感覺的就隨手一按 哪懂什麼光圈快門等等之類 結果當晚回家再電腦上一看 看到讓我很訝異的照片 他們看起來跟我實際記得看的的感覺不一樣 有些甚至美多了 於是第二天起開始狂拍一百張每天
this is the first time I truly see the world I live in , the people , things around me ......
I truly feel that a new world, a new kind of seeing, spontaneous and unpredictable, opened up to me through the narrow rectangle of viewfinder . it's magical ....
這是我第一次真的開始用心看世界 看週遭的人是物 體會到 透過那小小的像機視窗看世界是如此不同
一各全新的世界 一種新視野 隨性且不可預知的世界在我的眼前 等著我透過那小小視窗去發掘
Some freinds might have heard me saying a thousand times about how much I would like to take painting lessons ... I really want to learn to draw , to paint .... I have had this thought for a long time ... I also like to learn to dance and play the piano ... .. but just like that asshole always said to me whenever I had some new idea " WHY do you want to do that .... why don't you ..... " I also get the similar responds from some people too .... alas.....is because I am being indecisive or they are being too self-righteous thinking they know what is best for you ? or just being mean .... gotta learn not to care about what others have to say ...
一些朋友可能有聽過我唸過要學畫畫很久了 我一直都想學畫畫 油畫特別是 我也想學跳舞及彈鋼琴 但是就像每次聽到我說這各 我前男友常說的 "為什麼要學這個 為什麼不去學..... " 我也常聽到其他人給過類似的回應 "你瘋了啊 無聊啊 "
真不知是我太沒主見 還是大家自我意識太高認為自己知道什麼是好的 還是是 大家的嘴太毒 哈哈 得學著不要太在意大家的意見
I want to learn to draw , especially oil painting , and I do think that art helps develop the subtle and sensitive eye for composition , which is very important in taking photographs..... I often think that photography is the same as painting only we paint it with our eyes through our cameras ...
I need the precise eye for design...
I hope one day I can be like Bresson once said " The camera became an " extension of the eye . "
我覺得學畫畫會幫助我培養精準敏感的"構圖眼" , "構圖" 真的很重要...
我常想攝影是用眼睛來畫畫 我需要精細眼睛來畫出我的設計
我希望有一天我能像布列松說的 "相機是他的眼睛的延伸"
we can, through our own eyes, see the world a little more clearly, and find truth and beauty where we had not guessed they existed.
Since I read about what my friend- Jo introduced the two famous photographers in the world on her blog , I have become quite curious about one of them - Bresson . So I did some researches on him on the net ... here is what I have found and I am sad to know that he has passed away ....
自從在Jo的網誌上看到他介紹兩位攝影大師 我就對其中一位感到好奇 喜歡他的作品感覺 於是今天在網路上找尋他的資料 難過的發現原來他已經過世了
~ 布列松 被譽為20世紀最重要的攝影家之一,他提出「決定性瞬間」概念,認為攝影就是在幾分之一秒的瞬間,將事物的內涵和表現同時呈現,並且融入生活中。
CARTIER-BRESSON is one of the most famous photographers in history and his works have been presented in many exhibitions all around the world. His concept of photography was very influential for many photographers during the second half of the twentieth century.
布列松的攝影中心概念是「決定性的瞬間」(the decisive moment),也就是將事物本質完美表現出來的那一瞬間
His theory about the photographer’s intuition is very well known. His intuition enables him to capture the decisive moment which synthesises the essence of the situation happening at that time.
" to ’trap ’ life, to preserve life in the act of living " he said .
He said , " In photography, the smallest thing can be a great subject," "The little human detail can become a leitmotif."
" find beauty in "things as they are," in the reality of here and now."
All his great pictures were taken with the kind of equipment owned by many amateur photographers: 35 mm rangefinder cameras equipped with a normal 5Omm lens or occasionally a telephoto for landscapes.
布列松被普遍認定最知名的一幅作品就是1932年在巴黎聖札爾火車站後拍攝的一張跳水坑男人的照片(Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare),照片抓住男孩躍過水坑在半空中時,水中倒影與他,以及後方鐵路柵欄形成對稱
About the photo : Probably Bresson was walking one autumn morning with his camera around his neck through the streets of Paris looking for a special shot. And he really found it. Those who said at the time that photography was a thing of magic were absolutely right!
"Derrière la Gare Saint-Lazare", Paris ( 1932) Henri Cartier-Bresson
It had been raining a lot the night before and the deserted streets at the back of the station are covered with water. This creates a flat surface reflecting the same light as the cloudy Paris sky.
Only three fingers depth of water have created this watery mirror which will reflect with great sharpness the figure of the passer-by.
He wants to cross the square and starts by using the ladder that’s lying on the ground. At the end of the ladder he decides to jump trying not to get his shoes wet. And it’s at that moment that the miracle happens. His right foot remains just above the water; the man remains suspended in the air as he was preparing himself to start a short flight which will lead him to the other side.
the source of the photos :
以上資料來源 : http://www.ettoday.com/2004/08/05/218-1667777.htm