I admit that I am kind of strange ..... while others buying colthes ...shoes ...bags..... I bought something different .................
我承認我很奇怪 當大家是買衣服包包鞋子等東西時 我買了 一些不是一般人會買的紀念品
okay..... of course , I went down to their supermarkets as I always do when I visit a new country ...
Coffee , satay souce , and the special sauce for fried rice ( quite tasty ) , shirmp paste ...green curry paste and instant noodles .....
當然依照慣例我去超市逛 買了 一些吃的 咖啡 沙爹醬 印尼炒飯醬 綠咖哩 蝦醬 及泡麵
哈哈哈 還有一隻很大的風箏 真的可以放喔
and a huge hige KITE ................................ I actually flew it at a beach ..... really cool........................ and so so so cheap as well
the next thing I bought ............................... is not suitable for children ...........
接著以下東西不適合小孩看 因為相機正被清洗中 所以沒拍照 不過有剪報 可看
話說 他們帶我們去" 土產店" 去買土產 結果我居然買了這個 哈哈哈 而且是一進門就被我發現 馬上叫大家看
As soon as I walked into the souvenir store ... I spot this ..... and took a photo ...and after I had leanred what it does .... I bought one ..... ha ha ha
猜猜看他賣多少錢 .................................... 因為太好奇 所以我就買了 一隻 哈哈哈
Guess what it does ..and how much it costs ..................
- Oct 30 Mon 2006 00:43
~ 我的紀念品 My souvenirs ....