剛剛一進門 我媽就說 小黑不見了 他們今天要拜拜 早上樓上樓下走來走去 加上仙草是隻動作很快的狗 常常要提醒他不可以先跑
他好不容易最近都會坐在門口等我叫他跟他才會跟 結果 天啊
更令我難過的是 好不容易這幾天有個好心人看了仙草照片想領養她 寫了email給我的朋友想約時間前兩天來看看仙草 結果剛好我朋友在忙等他收到mail時 已過了時間
昨天晚上才得枝這個好消息 滿心期待的與仙草的有緣人碰面 結果 今天就這樣 啊 啊 仙草 你在搞什麼啊
Can't believe this is happening ................... finally got someone who wants to bring her home .... then she took off this morning while my mom was busy preparing worshiping ................ tried to look for her , but so far haven;t gotten any luck .................. just hope she shows up later ...............
and .......... the guy who wants to keep the dog just called me ...................... MY GOD ...................... Is this the so called " destiny " ???
- Oct 30 Mon 2006 14:21
~ 無緣啊 Destiny ???